Snow Kids

{UPDATE - Purchase NEW and IMPROVED templates HERE)

I love incorporating the children's pictures into our art/writing activities. They are so cute! This week we read "The Snowy Day" and then wrote about what we like to do on snowy days. I think our little snow children turned out super duper adorable! :)


lovetwoteach said...

Absolutely love it! I love my kids faces involved in their work. It gets them so excited!


terep711 said...

These are adorable, and , of course, now I want to copy your activity! :). Do you have a copy of the snowsuit you would be willing to share?

Michelle said...

We make those too! So cute!

Ms.M said...

Those came out so cute! They are wonderful.

Ms. M

Janae said...

Terese, I'm more than will to share! I got the idea from a fellow teacher, so let's just keep passing it on! What's your email? I have two sizes, one that fits on 8 1/2 x 11 paper, and the other fits on the big construction paper, 9 x 18 or something. What would you prefer?

arrowbarney said...

May I have a copy too! :-) My email is Would you be able to send me the two sizes. Thanks for sharing your work!

Tami said...

I really like using kids pictures in a project. Could I have a copy of the pattern? I think the large size? I really appreciate it!! My email is

Unknown said...

I would love the 81/2 x 11.

Tracy Carpenter said...

I too would love a copy of this! Do you need my email too? I would like both sizes if possible.

So much thanks!

Janice said...

I would also love a copy of both sizes of the snow kids. My email address is Thanks!

Matthew and Lisa said...

I would love a copy too! Either size!

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy, too! Both sizes please. These are too cute!

Katie Raccuglia said...

I love this! Thank you so much for sharing your great ideas! Could I get a copy in both sizes, I'm not sure which one I will use! My email is

Anonymous said...

This is so cute! We have just learned that we will not go to school tomorrow because of snow and this will be the perfect activity when we go back! Please send both sizes.
Thank you so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

May I also have a copy? We will do this as soon as we return from this Snow Storm hitting the south right now!
Thanks, Reagan

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy if you're able! Thanks for sharing and for showing the finished product! Donna

Unknown said...

Could I please have both sizes too? I LOVE this idea!!!

Unknown said...

Could I get a copy of both sizes too? I love this idea!!

Anonymous said...

I just joined your blog but I have been checking it and getting great ideas. We are home for a snow day today and I am looking for something new to do tomorrow. This is perfect. Could I please have a copy? Thanks.

Unknown said...

I'd like a copy too.

Janae said...

I just emailed everyone above. If you didn't get it, or are someone else who wants a copy, please email me directly.

Thanks! :)

nankshade said...

Could I please get these copies too! I love them and would love to use them as nametags on their lockers.

Thanks for sharing! :)

alwayslearning said...

May I please have a copy too?
Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Ohh! I'd love to have a copy also of both sizes! This is too cute!

Anonymous said...

With all the snow days we have been having this is a perfect writing activity. Would you mind sending me a copy of both sizes? Your site is great! I stumbled upon it today and you are amazing! Thanks!
my email is

Anonymous said...

Could I also get a copy of your snow kids in both sizes? My email is
I love your ideas! Thanks !

The Scott Household said...

Could I get a copy of the snow kids? I work in an afterschool program and the kids would LOVE to do this!

LOVE your site!

Karie Heinitz said...

I really want to do this also and just saw it on Pinterest.
Please send me both sizes.

Thank you soooo much!


mospeduc8or said...

I just saw this on Pinterest. What a cute idea! I would love a copy of both sizes please. My email is:
Thanks so much for sharing!

aanstine said...

I also just saw this on pinterest! It's a great idea. May I have a copy of both sizes? My email is!

Unknown said...

I love these, I used the template on my projects this week! Thanks so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

Cute! I love this idea and need something for our bulletin board that can stay up through christmas. I would love a copy in both sizes! Thanks for sharing.

Lauren said...

I love this idea! Could you email me a copy of both sizes, too? My email is Thank you very much!!

Unknown said...

Would you still be willing to send a copy of this? I would like either size! Thanks

anonymous said...

I would a copy if you are still willing to send one. Can I please have a copy of both sizes?
Thank you very much!!!

Unknown said...

Could you please send me a template of either size?
Thank you! These are sooooooo cuuute!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Could you please send me a template of either size? ( We just had two snow days and this would be perfect! Thank you!

Unknown said...

I love this post. I tried to download it and could not open it. Would you mind sending it to me too?

Thanks so much

Becky said...

Super cute!

Unknown said...

These are adorable! Would it be possible to get a copy?

Anonymous said...

These are adorable! Could you send me a copy of both sizes? Hoping for a snow day in January. Or Feb.

Anonymous said...

I love it. Where did you find the pattern of the kid? I would love a copy.

Unknown said...

So cute!! I would love a copy of the snowsuit too....

Unknown said...

So adorable....could I have a copy too??

Unknown said...

I just started following you and would love a copy of this. Found it via pintrest which led me to this post! Could I get a copy of this please?

Danielle said...

I would love a copy of both snow suits (assuming you're still checking this!). My email is

Unknown said...

I love these! Would it be possible to get the 8x11 copy? Thank you so much! My email is :)

Paul said...

Hello! I absolutely LOVE this and look forward to lining the halls with my kindergarten kiddos. I purchased the "new and impoved" templates of the snowsuit (with the furry boots) but would really like the other templates as well. Would you be able to send me the others or tell me how to find them? I would really appreciate it.
Many thanks!

Becky said...

There is a link at the top of the page to go to TPT where you can purchase this template. It is super cute!

Unknown said...

These are so cute
Can I please get a copy of the template as well.
thank You

Holly said...

Hi! I know this post is very old but would I be able to get the template also? I would love the 8 1/2 x 11 one. My email is: Thank you!

Unknown said...

I would love for someone to share this template with me via email.
My Caterpillars are gonna love this ❤️