I am loving having Jingle in our classroom! It makes this month so much fun, and really does help with behavior. I almost wish he could stay all year long! :)
Here's what our little Elf was up to this week.
On Monday, Jingle decorated our class Christmas tree with Candy Canes for us!
You have all been as sweet as can be!
So I left you some treats all over the tree!
On Tuesday, we found Jingle fishing in the sink.
I really love to catch fish.
Catching good behavior is Santa's big wish!
On Wednesday, Jingle was playing memory with our counting bears!
I am making so many friends!
I hope my time here never ends!
On Thursday, Jingle moved all of our clips to Parent Contact!

Have you been naughty or nice???
Sadly, they were NAUGHTY, so Jingle did not come back on Friday.
He left us this note.
I went to the North Pole and told Santa the news.
It made him so sad, we both have the blues.
I won't come back into your school,
Unless you promise to follow every rule.
You need to try harder to not talk out.
And work really hard and do not shout.
Treat everyone kindly, and be extra sweet.
And I may come back, with another treat.
The kiddos were DEVASTATED! Some were really close to tears. It was SO SAD!
Jingle also left me this shirt, to help remind them that even though he was staying at the North Pole, he was still watching them.
(I bought the shirt here.)
They were SO MUCH better on Friday.
A lot of them wrote notes and drew pictures to apologize to Jingle.
It was sad, but super cute. :)
This week our elf is gone but we will try our best on working hard. Jingle was upset today. He was sad. And Santa Claus.
I wonder if he is still sad.
I hope Jingle doesn't get upset.
I think he should come back with us.
Dear Jingle,
I am sorry that you can't come back until Monday. I'm sorry for being naughty yesterday. I miss you and I hope you come back soon!
Love your good friend,
to Jingle
PS I like your smile
Dear Jingle,
I'm sorry that you had to leave. I promise it won't happen again.
Love, _____
Check out my
Elf in the Classroom packet which includes my calendar of Elf events for the month, notes for the Elf to leave (mine and blanks), the Weekly Elf Reflection page (for a boy/girl Elf), and more!.
I've loved seeing everyone's Elf in the Classroom posts on instagram. Follow me (@the_sharpened_pencil) and use the hashtag #elfintheclassroom to post/find more great ideas! I'm loving it! :)