The only good thing about school being over, is the time it will hopefully give me to catch up on this blog! Parents, keep checking back, I plan on updating on all the events I missed during the year. :)
I will be kept pretty busy this summer. My big news is that I am moving!!! After ten years, I am taking the plunge and moving down south! I got a job teaching 1st grade in Mesa, Arizona. And it works out perfectly that my parents have a house there (cheap rent), I have a few friends already who live there or are moving there soon, and I love the heat (no more scraping my car!).
I spent two and a half days cleaning and packing up my classroom. It was so overwhelming and kind of depressing. Honestly, I think I'm mostly sad about leaving the school and the families I've really grown to love. I've been at this school for five years (that's over 100 children!), and have taught a few sets of siblings (I even got to teach three girls from one family, and now I'm really good friends with their mom). It's amazing how attached you really do grow to the entire family. I will miss seeing all their smiling faces in the hallways. I'll really miss walking through the halls and knowing just about every child's name that I see.
It will be a challenge to start over, but I'm ready for it.
being said, I would love to see any of my former students and their families one more time before I
leave. So please join me at the City Park on Friday, June 29th
at 11:00 for a picnic. I’ll bring
popsicles. Bring your own lunches, or
just come visit and play!
Hope to see you there!