You lost a tooth!

Two children lost a tooth today! That must be a sign that I should post about loosing teeth. :) I never realized how big of a deal loosing teeth was, until I started teaching first grade. It is so exciting! At first I had certificates I would fill out and give to each child when they lost a tooth, but that got to be too overwhelming. In the past I also used tooth necklaces to keep their teeth in when they lost one, but they got tangled up, and weren't very good at staying closed - the teeth often fell out. Now, I just give them an "I Lost a Tooth!" sticker, put a tooth up on our graph, and sing them a song. I made up this little chant we sing:

You lost a tooth,
You lost a tooth,
You lost a tooth today.

You lost a tooth,
You lost a tooth,
You lost a tooth hurray!

This little boy had been trying SO hard to pull out his tooth today. After a little bump during P.E. he was finally able to pull it out! I wish you could've seen how excited he was!!

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