In Love!

Guess what came in the mail this weekend???

My Erin Condren Life Planner!!!!!  I love it so much!

I also bought the pens to go with it.  Now I'm a color crazy woman!

First page 

Birthdays and Anniversaries 

Small full year calendar 

One month calendars 

Week by week, with a large spot for morning, day, and night. 

Lined note pages

Blank note pages

True dat, Mr. Mackay!

Important numbers 


Pre-made stickers

Blank stickers


Zipper pouch

Beautiful laminated tabs!  

She also has a variety of teacher materials, but I preferred the Life Planner for my scheduling.  Simply because I lesson plan and grade electronically, so it didn't seem as valuable to me.  

Now that you love it, too, would you like to get one for half price, or better yet... FREE?  Here are two blogs hosting an Erin Condren giveaway!  


Unknown said...

Thanks for posting the pictures of the different sections. I don't have one yet and it helps to actually see it! Thanks for blogging about my giveaway!
Enter my giveaway @ Fun in 1st Grade

Confessions of a Northern Belle said...

That looks like so much fun!! I definitely think that if you have a cool planner you will actually use it, haha.

Tamera Wilson said...

I want one too! I think my daughter wants one for college, also.
I am having a Give Away - Stop by & Enter to Win.


Rikki said...

Thank you for letting me know about this giveaway. I wouldn't have known if I didn't follow your blog!
The Hive

Kelley Dolling said...

Oh no you didn't!!!! That life planner is absolutely magical :) I entered all of the giveaways going on right now . . . my fingers are crossed!

Kelley Dolling
Teacher Idea Factory