We survived our first week in 2nd grade!
The first three days were a whirlwind, to say the least, but we had a great time!
Meet the Teacher
On Tuesday, I got to gather supplies and meet most of my kiddos for the first time! It was wonderful to see all their smiling faces and gear up for the new year.
I gave them these yummy welcome treats.
Click here to grab these treat toppers.
I also gave them their first homework assignment!
I attached this note to a white paper bag. They brought their bags back on the first day and we shared them throughout the week. It was so fun to see and hear all about them. I noticed we have quite a few baseball, hunting, fishing, and gymnastics fans! :)
Day 1
On the first day of 2nd grade, I had them write their numbers to 200 (or as high as they could go) and draw their self portraits while I gathered supplies and paperwork.
Our grade level aide took their first day pictures for their scrapbooks.
Then we went on our traditional scavenger hunt and school tour. In the past I've always done a Gingerbread Hunt Tour, to go along with the Gingerbread Man and gingersnap cookies. But, with the new healthy foods guidelines, we had to change it up this year. Our school theme this year is The Pink Panther. I started to read one of our back to school books. When I opened the book, a pink paw fell out. It had a rhyme on the back introducing him and inviting us to find him. Each clue led to important places and people around the school. The last clue led back to our classroom. Unfortunately, we didn't spot the pink panther, but he will show up another day!
For our math lesson we graphed how we get home from school, and discussed the data.
And we ended the day with my FAVORITE activity - Jitter Juice! We almost had to skip this one this year, due to that stinkin' healthy foods policy. But of course, we found a way to make it work! Instead of the recipe Abby uses in her pack, we used sparkling apple cider. It was a big, bubbly hit!!
Day 2
On the second day of 2nd grade I introduced them to Class Dojo.
I'll do another post about how we use Class Dojo in our classroom another day.
We made our All About Me Snapshots.
The kiddos went on a scavenger hunt around the room answering questions about me!
For math, we made and explored rekenreks.
To make these rekenreks, I laminated poster board, cut it apart, and punched two holes on each side. Then I put two black pipe cleaners through the holes and taped one side down. I had my kiddos count out 5 red and 5 white beads for the top and the same for the bottom. Once they put their beads on, I taped the other side down. Then, they chose a sticker and put it on the "starting position" side. When the rekenreks were all made, I explained how to use them and then introduced the game "Fast Flash". One person moves some beads over. The partner has to guess the number as fast as they can. It was a fun, quick game to become more familiar with the rekenreks. We'll use these more next week to practice subitizing, adding, and subtracting.
Since it was the 2nd Day of 2nd Grade, I made this fun activity for us to do.
Day 3
To start out the third day of 2nd grade, I had them write about their favorite thing about 2nd grade so far.
Then, we talked about what will make 2nd grade so special and made a "This Year Will Be Sweet" craft.
In the morning, we FINALLY spotted the Pink Panther! He snuck into our classroom, waved, danced, and went on his way! Moments later, our Principal came in, dressed in her detective gear, trying to find him. Apparently, he snuck into school without signing in at the office. Our Principal spent the whole day looking for him. She didn't find him until the assembly at the end of the day. It was great! (Sadly, I was too slow to get any pictures of the Pink Panther or our Principal.)
Three days down, only 177 to go!!! ;)
I used these amazing resources to get through our first week!
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