THANK-ful Teachers! {Thursday}

It's the last day to link up with the ladies of Blog Hoppin'.  

Thursday:  NEW IDEAS!  Have any tips that you've discovered recently that made you think, "Why haven't I been doing this all my life?"  That's what we are posting about!

Brain Breaks!
Our afternoons are soooooo loooooooooooong.... so we often do one quick brain break to get our energy back up.  It's amazing what a few minutes of movement can do!

Their favorites this year are:

Data Folders!

I just started using these this year and I love them!  Each child has a folder with a graph for each subject in it.  I grade their weekly tests, hand them back on Fridays, and they graph their scores.  

They love seeing their progress and the areas they need to work on.  We always talk about how we can improve and what we can do differently in the future.  It also helps us work on our graphing skills (how many more words did you read this time than last time, what week did you score the best, the worst, etc.)

It really helps them take ownership of their grades.... even as early as 2nd grade!  

Click on either picture above, or here, for all the graphs/labels I use.  
I included the pdf version and the original excel version (because I'm sure most of you have different scores/goals for testing.)
I used Cara Carroll's fonts for most of the graphs.  :) 

1 comment

MissAudreySue said...

love that shirt! so cute! AND i love your phone case. haha :)